Support Committees




(a) To maintain an overall focus for mission in congregations and to highlight its fundamental relationships with worship, service, education and nurture.

(b) To take the lead in resourcing mission to the under 40s.

(c) To promote and support church planting, replanting and mission innovators.

(d) To promote good missional practice through holding events where practitioners share ideas and experiences.

(e) To oversee the work of the sub group for the Presbytery Mission Fund.



(a) To support continued Christian development in congregations through resourcing and encouraging growth of educated and equipped disciples.

(b) To organise training events in regard to worship, mission and faith formation for all ages.

(c) To provide training for Interim Moderators, Elders, Worship Leaders and Pastoral Care Teams.

(d) To maintain the Presbytery ‘Local Worship Leaders’ scheme and maintain a list of Local Worship Leaders approved by such a scheme.

(e) To ensure arrangements are in place in congregations where in-service Training or Study Leave is taking place.

(f) To oversee recruitment, selection and training for all Recognised Ministries in the Church of Scotland.

(g) To nominate as Candidates for Recognised Ministries those who have been accepted as Prospective Candidates by an Assessment Conference.

Pastoral Support

(h) To support the Presbytery Chaplains in their role in pastoral care for Ministers, OLMs and Auxiliary Ministers.

(i) To provide pastoral support as required for candidates for all ministries during their training and up to their appointment or ordination.

(j) To ensure that adequate support is given through named individuals to those in ministry in their first five years.

Oversight of Posts and Deployment

(k) In consultation with the Planning Committee, to oversee the deployment of Auxiliary Ministers, Ordained Local Ministers, Readers and Local Worship Leaders.

(l) In consultation with the Finance and Stewardship Committee, to approve locally funded Ministry appointments and ensure proper arrangements are in place regarding terms and conditions and line management.

(m) To oversee the inspection of log books for all appropriate Ministries.


Congregational Support

(a) To act as the Superintendence Committee in terms of Act I 2011 Local Church Review and all other acts of General Assembly which assign duties to a Presbytery Superintendence Committee.

(b) To make arrangements for Local Church Reviews, including scheme of visitation, team composition and training, ensuring consistent follow-up of Action Plans, in consultation with other relevant Committees.

(c) To arrange the Annual Inspection of Congregational Records.


Connections and Nominations

(a) To build connections and relationships across Presbytery through activities which encourage good communications and foster friendship and collegiate working.

(b) To bring forward to Presbytery names for appointment to committees and Presbytery positions, including but not limited to, the Moderator of Presbytery and the Conveners of committees, including nominating balancing and balancing elders, corresponding members and administering annual review of ministries registration categories in accordance with General Assembly legislation.

(c) To encourage and promote prayer, and opportunities for prayer, for and within the Presbytery and among its members.