08/08/2024 0 Comments
Coffee Mornings
Coffee Mornings
# News

Coffee Mornings

Many of us who grew up in church have warm memories of coffee mornings, munching on the most incredible home baking, sipping a hot drink and chatting with friendly faces we often saw across the pews on a Sunday, or recognised from the community.
I have vivid memories of the first time I tried coffee as a child at one of these events, 30 years ago, in a cold church hall. I can remember sipping from the polystyrene cup with a brown plastic holder that had a handle around it, of course, a couple of sugar cubes were needed to make it palatable for my young taste buds!
These special events hold dear to our hearts as a time when we can serve others, grow in fellowship and even raise money to support our church or another cause we care about.

Last weekend St.Leonard’s in the Fields ran their annual coffee morning which has been held on the 1st Saturday in March for approximately 50 years!
After half a century of serving fantastic home baking, it is no surprise that the event was a huge success. Not only was the event packed, they managed to raise £850 towards their church funds.
Presbytery Elder from St. Leonard's in the Fields, Pat Giles was delighted the fundraising efforts would 'make our treasurer smile'. Linzee Lindsay, the wonderful catering convener who alongside her willing team ensured that a very happy morning was had by all.
We will be sure to add the 1st Saturday in March to our future diaries.
