Vacancy Procedure Committee
(a) To discharge the responsibilities of Presbytery in relation to any relevant Vacancy Procedures legislation, including Act 8 (2003) (as amended) and Act 1 (2015) (as amended).
(b) In accordance with Section 1(1) of the Vacancy Procedure Act (Act 8 2003), the Vacancy Procedure Committee for all vacancies shall comprise the Conveners of the following Committees: Business, Stewardship and Finance, Property, Planning, Congregational Support, Ministries. In the absence of any such Convener, the Vice Convener, or another member of the relevant Committee, may be asked to act in their place.
(c) The Presbytery Clerk shall act as Clerk to the committee but shall have no vote. In practice the Clerk shall generally act for the Moderator, consulting the VPC when decisions are required in relation to vacant charges. In accordance with Section 1(4) of the Vacancy Procedure Act, this consultation may take place by electronic means.