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Local Vacancies




Manager, ‘Café Connect’, Auchterarder Parish Community Church Centre 


“A dynamic community hub where people of all ages are shown God’s love by being welcomed, respected, and supported towards the fullness of life that God intends.” 


Are you looking for a new challenge? Would you enjoy helping to initiate a new hospitality venture? Do you love people, like food and want to serve God?

This may be for you!


We seek a motivated person for the exciting challenge of managing our Church Centre’s new café. Initially it’s for a pilot period of one year, opening 10am – 2.30pm, 2 days/week. The Cafe Manager will contribute to a warmly hospitable cafe environment for church and community, showing Christian love in action. 

For a Job Description and Application Pack please email: 



Youth Outreach Worker Job Vacancy

Youth Outreach Worker - Letham St Mark’s Church of Scotland, Perth UK
Exciting opportunity to expand and lead work with young people of the church and community, with a view to reaching out to, discipling, and supporting young people.
18 hours per week, 4-year contract, starting salary £19,500
Click on link for full details including role profile.
Send any queries to David Forsyth



Broughty Ferry Parish Church Reviewable charge: 7 years each for two posts


This new, united charge seeks 2 innovative Ministers to work in a team with a still-to-be appointed MDS under the terms of the “Basis of Team Ministry” annexed to the Parish Profile. The team is to lead and inspire the 5 Marks of Mission development of the huge potential in the attractive suburbs of Broughty Ferry and Barnhill. The Parish Profile is available on Enquiries and applications to Denise should consist of: - a full CV and contact details, with 2 references and a covering letter of under 250 words outlining your reasons for applying and the qualities that you can bring.



Pastoral Locum, Dundee Coldside


Dundee Coldside are looking for a Pastoral Locum to assist the Pastoral Care Team for 2 days per week, with immediate effect. Expressions of interest may be made to Ken Andrew in the first instance:

Ken Andrew

Interim Moderator

Coldside Church

16 Bader Square

Broughty Ferry



e-mail: :

Tel: 01382 776765

Mob: 07785 243908



Montrose Trinity Church Ministry Vacancies 


Montrose Trinity are looking for 2 ministers to join their team alongside their OLM and full time family worker. Both posts are 7 year renewable tenure.  Further information and our profile can be found at or from our Clerk, John Campbell at  .  Informal enquiries are welcome via our Interim Moderator, Gavin Drummond at or by phone on 07985963105