21/01/2025 0 Comments
The Promise Box
The Promise Box
# News

The Promise Box
Every now and again I will talk about my gran’s Promise Box.
This was a box about 6 inches by 4 inches and hers had a gold and royal blue pattern on the outside.
Once you opened it up it was packed by tiny rolled up pieces of paper all standing up packed together taking up the whole of the space of the box.
There was a tiny set of tweezers attached to the side and each night, before she went to bed, she would use those tweezers to take one of the rolled up pieces of paper and carefully unroll it.
Each piece of paper had ‘Promises of God’.
Usually they would be three promises;
a single line from a Psalm, like ‘The Lord’s my shepherd I will not want’
something from the New Testament like, ‘There will be a new heaven and new earth for the old things will have passed away’
and a verse from a hymn, usually a Wesley one like
Then let us adore, and give him his right;
all glory and power, all wisdom and might,
All honour and blessing, with angels above,
and thanks never ceasing and infinite love.
Each night she would read one of these papers then carefully re-roll it and place it back into the Promise Box.
She would then go to bed assured that no matter what she had faced in the day, God’s promises were for her and she could rest assured that He was watching over her.
Written by
Jim McNeil
Minister of Alva Parish Church